Friday, April 13, 2007

Did Someone Say "Party"?

On Friday, April 27th SMPC will be hosting a "Will Party for Food" evening to raise awareness and support for the efforts of OFCB Ministries. Unlike traditional fundraisers that evoke sympathy and ask for pledges, this event promises to be entertaining, including music, slideshows, and testimonies from returning emissaries. The food is FREE (either mouth watering Caribbean chicken or authentic Haitian-style goat) and 100% of all donations will be used towards a children's food fund. Childcare will be provided.

More information about the event:

When: April 27th 6:30-9:30 P.M.

Where: South Mecklenburg Presbyerterian Church: 8601 Bryant Farms Rd, Charlotte, NC 28277

Who: Anyone who is interested in contributing to the education and nourishment of the students of ECB (Ecole Classique de Bayonnais)

Why: Because by showing interest you can make a difference

Spots are filling quickly! RSVP to:

Mrna Dibble:

Judy Nichols:

**Please indicate how many will be attending and indicate if you would prefer chicken or goat

Merci d'avance!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Looking forward to hearing about your adventures in Haiti.